The FDA has authorized the use of its first digital, machine-learning-powered device to help screen people for COVID-19. Tiger Tech Solutions’ wearable monitor is strapped to the upper arm and uses light sensors to sense blood flow, similarly to many consumer electronics and fitness trackers. Within three to five minutes, it uses an artificial intelligence model to crunch the data on the person’s pulse rate and other factors to determine whether their blood could be clotting more easily than normal.
This state of hypercoagulation, among other signs, has been linked to coronavirus infections—and, when combined with temperature checks, it could help spot people over the age of 5 who are carrying the virus without showing any symptoms.
New York City Venues Reopen but Raise Covid-19 Concerns
The coronavirus-related cancellation of a dance event at a New York City cultural venue has prompted concerns about whether such spaces can be safely reopened at this time. The Park Avenue Armory, a prominent Manhattan arts presenter, announced this past weekend that it was canceling an upcoming presentation of “Afterwardsness,” a work created by dancer, director and choreographer Bill T. Jones, because three performers involved had tested positive for Covid-19. The event was scheduled to start Wednesday and run through March 31 but has now been postponed to later in the spring.
In a statement, Armory founding president and executive producer Rebecca Robertson said the performers were feeling well. She also said that the Armory requires that all artists, crew and staff be tested before they arrive on site to ensure safety is maintained. New York state is relaxing restrictions on cultural venues and allowing spaces to reopen, with a 33% capacity limit and a maximum of 100 people indoors and 200 outdoors, starting April 2. Some venues, such as the Armory, received approval from the state to reopen earlier. In light of the cancellation at the Armory, a venue that was seen as an especially safe option because of its cavernous interior, New York City Councilman Mark Levine said the state might be moving too fast.