We can always count on Google Doodle to show recognition, appreciation and give society something new to learn about daily.
Google Doodle has been showing its appreciation for all essential workers during this time since April 6th through fun doodles, and informative articles. They are honoring many workers such as medical professionals, scientists, custodians, farmers, teachers and child-care workers to name a few.
Google recognizes the struggles all essential workers are going through whether physically, emotionally, etc. and wanted to show support through Google Doodle.
In example, as mentioned by CNET:
Child Care workers are essential workers when essentials workers are unable to stay home with their children and need a care worker to care for their children. This may put them in just as much of a risk as anyone who has been in contact with many people.
Teachers have also shown their struggle by having to adapt to a remote classroom setting, as well as ensuring they are engaging with students and motivating them daily. Students run into the struggle of being able to focus on learning or not being able to learn remotely.
Google Doodle has dedicated every day to a new essential worker – thank you, Google!
They have saluted Food service workers, who have been hit hard during this crisis as many cooks, servers, and bartenders have lost their jobs during this time, and “The National Restaurant Association estimates that the outbreak will cost the industry $225 billion” as stated by CNET.
They have also focused on saluting those who package, ship, and deliver goods that we need daily, or for survival. Workers are putting themselves at risk during this process. The virus lives on cardboard for up to 24 hours and that could affect workers rapidly.
Aside from this, Google celebrates agricultural workers. Yes! The workers who keep our food growing and flowing. These workers are at risk being that they are not in the position to be able to quarantine and are often not promised paid sick leave.
Googles very first doodle was dedicated to public health workers and scientific researchers. Although not spoken about widely, they are working diligently day by day to develop a vaccine. A vaccine takes time to complete due to testing and confirming safety, prior to starting clinical trials. This could take up to 12-18 months.
They have shown their gratitude to many more such as to those who keep public transit moving, grocery store employees, janitor workers, firefighters, police officers, doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel.
Without these heroes, humanity would not be fighting this to the best of their ability. THANK YOU, GOOGLE, for really taking the time to understand all roles that are lending a hand and helping during this pandemic.